CBD Safety

What is CBD?

CBD is a cannabinoid. Cannabinoid receptors are found in every mammal on planet earth. That's why you see cats occasionally eating cannabis plants.

How does CBD work?

CBD works in conjunction with your body's own cannabinoid receptors, giving you a natural way to alleviate anxiety, inflammation, and stress with no residual effects to your liver or kidneys.

Will I get high?

No. The only effect you will get if you consume over the recommended dosage is drowsiness.

What does full spectrum / Broad spectrum mean?

Full-spectrum means the full spectrum of the oil that is extracted from the hemp cannabis plant. It contains CBD, CBDG, CBDA, CBDN, THC, and THCA. Legally we can only sell you CBD that contains 0.03% THC in full-spectrum CBD. There is still no high involved. Broad-spectrum CBD is a mix of full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate. It's a lesser version of full spectrum.

What forms of CBD are available?

There is full-spectrum CBD that contains the full spectrum of the hemp cannabis plant. Broad-spectrum CBD is everything in there except for the THC. And CBD isolate is just CBD only nothing else.

Should I use it topically or is it better to ingest CBD?

That depends on what your needs are?

Is CBD legal?

CBD was legalized last year through the farm act. It is legal in all 52 states. And legal to fly with.

Will I pass a drug test?

Although they were trace amounts of THC in the full spectrum of CBD it's highly unlikely for that trace amounts to show up in any drug test. Some of our best clients are people who work for the government.

The benefits of CBD?

The benefits of taking full-spectrum CBD are possible better sleep, better recovery, less anxiety, less fatigue, and a better attitude. One of the only risks in side effects the CBD is that you'll have a better attitude and you will sleep better than you have in a long time.

Will CBD make me anxious?

There have been cases where certain people had taken CBD but that depends on your genetic makeup and how you receive certain medications. That's why with our company it's almost mandatory that you speak to someone so we could be sure you get the recommended dosage.

How much should I take?

Your dosage depends on the recommendations from the text or the phone call you will receive from our company.

How does CBD interact with other medications?

CBD is most cases has no interaction with any other medications because it's a natural derivative from a plant that our brains were meant to consume.

How do I know if the CBD is working?

Before you take the CBD note how you feel. Take a minute to assess what's going on in your body. Then after you take it, wait another 20 minutes and see if there's a change.

How is CBD different from THC?

With CBD there is no psychoactive component to get you somewhere else. When it comes to THC that is the chemical that alters your perception.

Check out this informational video on CBD.

CBD Informational Video